Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Baby Reminder prototype

Some quick pics of a prototype I have been working on. It reminds you to check if you have a baby onboard when the car engine is turned off by playing a lullaby tune. It works on power ports that turn off or stay on when the key is removed by sensing voltage levels and auto calibrating to your vehicle. The green led turns on when the unit is armed and working. When the engine is turned off, after a delay of 2.5 seconds the green led turns off and the tune is played. I'm still tweaking the program parameters.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Picaxe 20M2 cheat sheet

I just finished making a cheat sheet for my favorite Picaxe chip, the 20M2. I figured I would share it here for those interested. It is posted on the Picaxe forum website so you need to be a member to get it I think.

Picaxe 20M2 Cheat Sheet