Saturday, August 25, 2012


WARNING!!! High voltages present! Use caution!

My son asked me a while ago if we could build a device that would shock people. I said "why not" and drew up this little circuit. We then cobbled it together from some pieces I already had. This is not a debilitating device, it just gives a potent "what the heck!" kind of shock. It has a peak impulse of +1250V when the field in the transformer collapses and I am pulsing at 1000Hz. I checked the maximum current draw with the secondary shorted and measured 4.7milliamps so it is under the "heart safe" 5 milliamp limit. The driver is a Picaxe 08M. The first test was disappointing because the frequency was low and timing of the magnetic field setup and collapse was off. I could just hold the wires and feel the pulses.Once I got the timing tweaked using an o-scope by changing the code in the micro, watch out! This sucka bites! I also had to remove the diode across the transformer as it was absorbing the field collapse impulse which turned out to be much stronger than the setup inrush voltage pulse. Go figure, I should have known this given the time to setup the field from the apparent high impedance source of the battery on the primary was longer than the field collapse rate on the secondary and all that energy over time was being released much faster during the field collapse.

WARNING: Potentially hazardous voltages may be present within this circuit.Clicking read more will allow you to see the inside pictures and schematic. If you decide to build this circuit please be careful and responsible. You are responsible as the creator of the device for it's proper use and operation. If you are under 18 you MUST consult with your parent/guardian before building this project. Failure to do so will result in suspension of hobbyist activities and banishment from the lab!

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